Source to Sea



We have a global problem with one way plastics, single use water and soft-drinks bottles and of course,  coffee cups! This culture of 'quick use' objects to satisfy our contemporary lifestyles has become a massive problem. The Source To Sea team have come up with the #withORwithout idea. Using your camera phone as you walk or cycle around our beautiful countrside, simply stop, take a foto WITH the piece of ugly rubbish, remove it, snap the same shot WITHOUT the enemy and dispose of the rubbish. You can post it to our media platforms or tweet or instagram it. We have plenty of fotos to follow right here on this page. Please share if you care. 

We have also designed and constructed a very special mobile unit from recycled metal, wood and iron. The photos here document and introduce the Source To Sea, WANDERLEE. As we meander the Pure Drop downstream there are sections of the river that deny access due to difficult and dangerous topography. There are two dams on the Lee. There is the upper Gearagh which should not be disturbed by humans for the sake of exploration or pleasure. Its a very delicate inland river forest delta. And for all those that prefer to walk the Pure Drop down the Lee valley, enter the WANDERLEE. 


Please note we are inviting all ideas of participation. Relaying the Pure Drop, down the entire length of the Lee is a brand new story. It is by participation that we will learn and educate from each other, about the wonders of the Lee River, as we go.
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