Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How to participate?
Simply send us an email, through this website with your ideas as to how you wish to participate in relaying the “pure drop” down the river Lee, between May 12th and June 10th 2018. All ideas will be considered.
Please remember if it is on or near the water, your club or group will need to be fully insured and fully competent water users. Source To Sea and mp2films cannot insure or cover any member of the public wishing to engage with the project.
Q 2. What is Source to Sea?
This project is an independent, educational, festive work in progress. It is a not for profit venture designed and organized by the independent film and media company mp2films. We are based in Cork City, Ireland with a growing number of international creative contributors.
The project idea was inspired by mp2films feature documentary RIVER RUNNER produced in 2014. The information uncovered during the research for the film regarding issues of clean water, clean air and clean soil, deeply impressed our team. These are very serious issues as they affect without exception everybody’s health and wellbeing.
Q3. How can I help?
It is the core principle of mp2films to remain independent in all matters of creative output. Financial support is of course welcome and necessary as it enables us to raise the standard of the project and hence increase its impact. However, we do not wish to advertise for those who contribute financially to build and support this educational creative resource. This concept is solely designed to promote awareness and education regarding our water, our air and our soil.
The concept invites and will promote a wide range of contributors, scientists, environmental educators, artists, musicians, writers etc. who share a genuine interest in the preservation of our most precious and endangered natural resources.
Q4. Can I donate?
Source To Sea has a dedicated AIB bank account, the details of which can be forwarded upon request. Every contribution is welcome and can/will be acknowledged anonymously. Mp2films use an established Cork City based accountancy firm and all transactions shall be kept confidentially on record for standard revenue purposes and private review by the donator.
Q5. Why support this independent venture?
Many serious issues regarding the ‘degraded’ state of our water, land and air remain problematic. Our intense research and direct engagement with responsible authorities and politicians, both at home and in the EU parliament, encourage us to contribute creatively and positively.
As an independent creative entity we wish to share this knowledge, collected from diverse experienced professionals, with the greater public.
By undertaking definitive actions, by staging a series of cultural events, by compiling an online free platform of informative videos, that help educate and nurture each and everyone of the citizens of Cork City and County.